
Exor continues investment diversification

Exor, the investment arm of Italy's Agnelli dynasty, has announced that it plans to invest up to $100 million in partnership with Jardine Matheson Holdings and Rothschild private bank to access private equity opportunities in China and India.
According to a statement released on Thursday, the agreement means Exor will be strongly placed to capture both medium and long-term investment opportunities in regions with high growth potential across a wide range of sectors.
The partnership already has $250 million of initial investment and a team based in India, with plans to establish a team in China during the next few months. It said it intends to invest alongside entrepreneurs, corporations and other private equity houses in the madcap segment.
In April, Turin-based Exor, invested in commercial property company Almacantar in order to reduce its reliance on Fiat, the car manufacturer founded by the Agnelli family in 1899.
Fifth-generation family member John Elkann (pictured) is chairman of Exor, and was elected Fiat chairman in April. (Continue reading here) It is through Exor that the family controls Fiat and owns 60% of the Italian football club Juventus, among other business interests. Exor had 2009 revenues of ?2.4 billion.

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