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Mondavi: A life in quotes

Legendary wine-maker Robert Mondavi has died at the age of 94 (click here to read the story in full). Families in Business takes a look at some of his most memorable quotes.

On Work:

"Making good wine is a skill, fine wine an art."

"Establish a goal just beyond what you think you can do. When you achieve that, establish another and another. This will teach you to embrace risk."

"Always stay positive. Use your common sense. And remember this: the California wine culture was built on the can-do spirit and will continue to thrive on the can-do spirit."

 "It's pleasant to review one's accomplishments, but it's exciting to grapple with new challenges."

On Life:

"To succeed and have a happy life, you need common sense, a commitment to hard work and the courage to go your own way. Interest is not enough ? you must be passionate about what you do. Find a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life."
"Drink what you like, and like what you drink."

"Generosity pays. So learn to initiate giving. What you give will enrich your life and come back to you many times over."

"Wine to me is passion. It's family and friends. It's warmth of heart and generosity of spirit."

"People don't believe you anyway?why bother lying?"

"You must understand that you cannot change people. You must accept their differences and try to work with them as they are. I learned this late in life, and it is amazing what peace of mind I found when I finally understood it."

"Out of all the rigidities and mistakes of my past, I've learned a lesson that I'd like to see engraved on the desk of every business leader, teacher, and parent in America: The greatest leaders don't rule. They inspire."

"All things in moderation, with a few glorious exceptions."

"My mother, Rosa, taught me the power of love and the virtues of hard work, strong family ties, an open heart, a generous spirit and fine home cooking enjoyed with good wine around the communal table."

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